Thursday, January 30, 2020



Subject : SMPS Designing / Power Electronics / DC-DC switching Regulator
Jaydeep Shah (EC Engineer)



Why this consept important??  à Now a days designers focus on the design of the DC-DC converter to ensure that it consumes as little current as possible during no-load conditions. All DC-DC converters, even during standby,can consume significant quiescent current (Quiescent Current can be defined as the amount of current used by an IC when in a Quiescent state. The Quiescent state being any period of time when the IC is in either a no load or non-switching condition).

One commercial power-supply module (EX: the RECOM® R-78A3.3-1OR), for example, draws about 7mA under no-load conditions. However, with some attention to topology and careful design, an isolated DC-DC converter module with a no-load current drain of less than 1mA can be implemented.

These converters (Available in market) traditionally employ pulse-width-modulation controllers. However, PWM controllers always have an active oscillator (RC), even when there is no load, and that oscillator continually draws current from the battery , This is one of the disadvantage of PWM Controller.

Before starting PFM, Need to understand what is PFM ?….
PWM Control :

The oscillator frequency is constant and the pulse width (ON time) changes according to the amount of output load.

VFM Control

The pulse width (ON time) is constant and the oscillator frequency changes according to the amount of output load.

Oscillator Frequency
Pulse Width
Light Load Condition
Ripple Voltage
VFM Control
PWM Control
Not Good

n  Noise suppression of VFM control can be difficult because oscillator frequency is inconsistent and it affects noise level.
n  Noise suppression of PWM control is relatively easier because oscillator frequency is constant and it does not affect noise level.
Now a days –> DC-DC converters include the products that are only operated by PWM control and the products that can be automatically switched between PWM mode and VFM mode according to the load condition.
Two Methods for Feed backing the Output :
A transformer provides the isolation, but the challenge is to feed back the voltage reference from the secondary side to the primary side without breaking the isolation. The most common approach solves the problem by using either an auxiliary winding or an optocoupler.

Function of Leading Edge blanking (LEB)  :
Leading edge blanking circuit on current sense input could remove the signal glitch due to snubber circuit diode reverse recovery and thus greatly reduces the external component count and system cost in the design.
n  Each time the power MOSFET is switched on, a turn-on spike will inevitably occur at the Sense pin, which would disturb the internal signal from the sampling of the RSENSE. There is a 300ns ( This time period depends on manufacturer and internal structure – near 30 ms in SMPS IC) leading edge blanking time built in to avoid the effect of the turn-on spike, and the power MOSFET cannot be switched off during the moment. So that the conventional external RC filtering on sense input is no longer required.

n  In short during this time period power supply does not take any signal for comparison purpose.

 Sometimes, the RC delay circuit (Low pass Filter) is insufficient for removing the false noise signals at the input of the PWM comparator. when the gate drive switches from low to high and the parasitic capacitance from the gate to the source of Q1 is charging. Depending on the values of Gate Resistor and Current sense resistor , a large-enough leading-edge voltage spike could falsely trigger the PWM comparator at the ISENSE pin. This problem is common in isolated dc/dc power converters. 

To remove false triggering from the PWM comparator, it is desirable to blank out the leading-edge spikes that appear on the current-sense signal.Using three to five more components (like BJT and RC network) with RC low pass filter we can implemented this circuit, and now this is internal features of many IC.

·         Quasi Resonant :
Quasi-resonant switching, compared to the traditional continuous and discontinuous modes of operation in a flyback converter, cuts turn-on losses at the power switch, thus increasing efficiency and lowering device temperatures. Its disadvantage, that of higher losses at light loads, is eliminated by the frequency-clamp circuit used in today's controllers and integrated power switches.

Quasi-resonant conversion works in quite a different way than the well-known resonant converter to cut losses. Now consider Figure 1, which shows the waveforms at the drain in a current-mode flyback converter operating in the discontinuous conduction mode. Only one gate pulse has been applied. During the first time interval, the drain current ramps up until the desired current level is reached. The power switch then turns off. The leakage inductance in the flyback transformer rings with the node capacitance. This causes a leakage inductance spike, which is limited by a clamp circuit. After the inductive spike has diminished, the drain voltage returns to the input voltage plus the reflected output voltage. The drain voltage would immediately drop to the bus voltage when the current in the output diode drops to zero if the effect of the primary inductance and the node capacitance were ignored.
In quasi-resonant switching, the device does not have a fixed switching frequency. Instead, the controller waits for one of the troughs in the drain voltage and then switches on.


Thanks :
Jaydeep Shah 
Electronics & Communication Engineer
Ahmedabad -  India
Email :

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